What are "on-device" machine learning models?
On-device models are a type of machine learning algorithm that operates entirely on your device. Your drawings stay on your device and are a...
When will ML features like handwriting and shape recognition come to iOS and Windows?
Through a partnership with Google in early 2024, we were able to accelerate development of our first machine learning features for Android. ...
What is Concepts' philosophy on Machine Learning and AI?
To summarize, we believe Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are powerful tools that can aid creators given the proper ci...
我们正在积极开发形状识别。目前处于 Beta 阶段 安卓并计划在未来几个月内(截至 2024 年 4 月)登陆其他平台。什么是形状识别?绘制完美的形状对每个人来说都是一项挑战。概念画板提供了多种方法来实现这一点,从拖放形状对象到形状参考线,再到更高级别的平滑处理。形状识别是最新的...