是的,可以刪除。請使用這兩種方式任意一種傳送訊息給我們,我們會為您刪除帳戶: 請確保登入的是您的帳戶,接著點按協助頁面的「詢問我們」傳送訊息給我們。使用您賬戶關聯的電郵傳送郵件給。
概念連接到我們伺服器被阻。請嘗試下述方法,看看是否可以修復: 重新開機。您的網絡可能出問題了。如果是這種情況,請嘗試轉移至信號接收情況良好的位置進行操作。這種情況少見,但如果您有非常嚴格的防火牆,就可能無法連接到我們的伺服器。嘗試換一個不同的網絡。 如果這些建議都無法修復,請聯...
How do I change the email address for my Concepts account?
Here's how:Open ConceptsGo to the GalleryTap the profile icon in the status barSign in to your Concepts account (if you are not already sign...
How do I change Sign In With Apple to email based sign in for my Concepts account?
If you created your account with Sign In With Apple but would like to be able to sign in on a platform that does not support Sign In With Ap...