How do I sync my Concepts purchases across devices and platforms?
With a free Concepts account, you can sync your purchases across your devices. Concepts offers two types of purchases: 1. A one-time pu...
What are the options in the Pro Shop? Is Subscription mandatory?
Subscription will never be mandatory. We recognize that everyone has different creative needs, and we believe everyone should be able to c...
How do I set up Family Sharing for Concepts?
We have enabled Family Sharing on iOS for all of your Concepts in-app purchases, including Subscriptions, Essentials, brushes and tools. We ...
很抱歉概念(有些傷心)未達到您的期望。我們時常添加新功能并優化先前的功能。若您執意退款,就需要向Apple申請退款。在瀏覽器中訪問https://reportaproblem.apple.com。登入購買概念時所用Apple ID。在已購程式中找到概念,并點按“反饋問題”。選擇退...
Apple列在APP Store裡面的內購是什麼?
我們堅信每位用戶都值得一款可靠的設計繪圖軟件,我們提供給大家的免費功能有:所有的基本筆刷(不包含筆刷市場的筆刷套件)、COPIC色輪和調色板、5張圖層、JPG匯出和無限大畫布。 基礎套裝(Pro套裝)為專業人士而打造。功能包括:筆畫調整、精準測量、圖形指南、無限大畫布、素材庫...
最簡單確認已購買Pro套裝的方法是在畫廊與畫布上方查看是否有“升級到Pro”文字。如果有此字樣,說明Pro權限目前是未解鎖狀態。如果顯示“PRO”,則是已解鎖。 如果您記得已購Pro套裝,點按“升級到PRO”,而後選擇底部的“恢復購買”。您會被提示輸入Apple ID——確保...
我的購買內容未識別,且我有超過一個App Store帳戶
若下載或更新軟體時登入的Apple ID不同與購買時所用ID,Apple則不會提供購買數字收據。沒有此收據,我們無法識別你的購買。很不幸,要解決這個問題,需要卸載概念(請不要著急直接卸載,先看完這段文字),接著登入購買時所用的正確的Apple ID。注意!!!必須先備份你的畫作...
I made a purchase but can't use the features.
There are two common causes of your purchases being unavailable in Concepts. You can try both of these solutions to see which works for you....
How do I get a receipt for my purchase?
The billing is handled by Apple on iOS, so you would get a receipt from them. Often it can take 3-5 days to arrive (assuming you have not tu...
How do I cancel my subscription?
Your purchase is made via the platform's app store. So, the instructions for managing your subscription also depend on the platform. Scroll ...
Concepts for Schools and Universities
Concepts is available free of charge to faculty and students from approved schools. Members of staff from a school can request access here. ...
A coupon I recieved with my new Simbans tablet is not working
If you received a coupon from Simbans for access to Concepts Pro and it is not working then please contact Simban's support team for help. Y...
How do I request a refund?
We’re sorry that Concepts hasn’t lived up to your expectations. Know that we update often with new features and performance updates, but if ...
What can I do if making a purchase fails on Windows?
If you can't make a purchase as the country on the Windows purchase page is wrong you need to change the region used by the Windows.Select S...
How do I request a refund?
We’re sorry that Concepts hasn’t lived up to your expectations. Know that we update often with new features and performance updates, but if ...