You can separate your finger input from your Pencil’s input if you’re using an iPad Pro. To do so, tap the Settings gear on the status bar and find the Stylus tab. The Apple Pencil listing will automatically appear if your Apple Pencil is paired to your iPad.

Find the section called “Finger Action” and choose which action you would like for your finger.

  • 無操作(適合防誤觸)
  • 使用激活工具(筆與手指無差異)
  • 平移畫布(畫布導航更容易,尤其手持Apple Pencil時)
  • 輕推(使用手指快速又容易的調整線條)
  • 選取(如果不喜歡切換工具,一個很不錯的快捷方式)
  • Configured Tool (sets your finger to draw with whatever is in the eighth slot on your tool wheel/toolbar)