Brushes, Tools & Text
How do the erasers work - Slice, Hard Mask and Soft Mask?
You can find the eraser either on the tool wheel or in the brush menu. To access the brush menu, tap on any tool on the wheel and then tap i...
When should I use Slice vs Hard Mask vs Soft Mask?
Concepts has three types of “erasers” - Slice, Hard Mask and Soft Mask. As Concepts uses vectors to draw (saving underlying path data for ev...
Why isn’t my mask working properly with the Shape Guides?
A great way to mask perfect shapes or blocks around your drawings is to use the Shape Guides. When a guide is active with the eraser, you’ll...
How do I delete everything in my drawing at once?
To delete everything on your canvas at once, double-tap on a Mask or Slice tool in the tool wheel. You’ll be given a menu with the following...
How do I find the text tool?
You’ll find the text tool either on the tool wheel, or under My Brushes in the Brushes menu (where you can change your preset tools). Tap an...
Can I change the font?
For the moment, the Text Tool only has the one font, but this is something we’d like to change in the future.
Can I customize the standard brushes?
The basic brushes in the Brushes menu are only adjustable using the standard settings for size, opacity and smoothness. You can change their...
How do I create a custom brush?
Here’s how you can create a custom brush using your own images called Stamps. You can adjust your brush in regards to size, opacity and smoo...
How do I create a custom brush stamp or grain?
A Brush stamp is just an image imported into the brush editor, then repeated along a drawn line according to settings you make. You can impo...
How do I unlock new brushes?
While the basic tools come free in every version, you can unlock new sets of brushes a-la-carte from the Brush Market via Credits. If you ha...
How does the vector watercolor brush work?
Our watercolor brush has all the characteristics of a traditional wet brush, with features like textured edges, adjustable opacity, natural ...
How do I find the Nudge tool?
The Nudge tool is available in the Brushes menu and can be configured to any of the slots in your tool wheel or tool bar. To do this: 1...
How do you blend, blur or smudge?
Blurring and smudging are not possible in Concepts. Concepts draws with vectors instead of pixels, and doing blur and smudge in real-time is...
How do you fill a region with a color?
You can fill an area freehand-style with the Filled Stroke brush. We don't have a tool to automatically fill an area with a color, it's some...
Do you have a symmetry tool?
You can create rapid duplicates and mirror, flip or rotate them to create mandalas, symmetrical objects and more using Concepts' Selection t...
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