If you have imported more than one single-paged PDF or imported a multi-paged PDF, you can export as a multi-paged PDF.
1. If you're looking to export only pages you've imported and edited, tap the Export button on the main toolbar, choose a PDF format (Flattened or Vector), then tap "PDF Bounds" and Export.
2. If you've imported multiple single-paged PDFs and want to export them as a new multi-paged PDF, select Export, choose a PDF format, then tap PDF Bounds and Export.
3. If you've imported a multi-paged PDF and are looking to export ALL pages including original pages, even if you've only edited a single page for signature or mark up etc., tap Export, choose your PDF format, tap PDF Bounds, then tap Original Pages. Your edited page will be substituted back into the original document in its original location.
4. Exporting multiple separate PDFs on canvas with Original Pages intact will re-export them as separate zipped files at the same time.
Read an illustrated tutorial on how to create, import, edit, sign and export PDFs here. If you want to learn all the ins-and-outs of exporting PDFs, we invite you to watch our Walkthrough Series tutorial here.