If you’re using an iPad or iPad Pro, you can export multiple drawings via Drag & Drop. (Apple doesn’t support Drag & Drop on iPhone.)
  1. Make sure the app you’re exporting to is either open or available on the command bar at the bottom of your iPad screen.
  2. Open Concepts. Tap+hold a drawing in the Gallery, then start dragging it. This turns it into a Drag & Drop file.
  3. Continue holding your first drawing with your finger. Tap other drawings to add them to the stack.
  4. Swipe up on the bottom of your screen to bring up the command bar or double-click your home button to view your open apps, then drag the drawings into your app of choice.
You can also open the Projects menu, and Drag & Drop a single project into a supported app such as Files. Tap+hold on the project and drag it to enable Drag & Drop, then open your alternate app and add the project.
Your drawings will automatically be saved as CPT files when exported to Files, Cloud or email, or as PNGs when exported to iPhotos or iMessage.

For a complete tutorial on exporting drawings in Concepts, read Tips for Exporting Your Designs.