There's plenty of helpful shortcuts in Concepts. You’ll find the Keyboard shortcuts in the "Interactions" section of "Settings".

Navigation modes

Pan Mode (Space)

  • Tap the Space key to activate canvas pan mode. Drag with the mouse to pan around. Tap Space again to return to the previous tool.

  • Keep the Space key held down to quickly access pan mode. Release the key to return to the previous tool.

Zoom Mode (S)

  • Tap the “S” key to activate canvas zoom mode. To zoom in, click the left mouse button and drag right or up with the mouse. To zoom out, drag left or down. Tap the “S” key again to return to the previous tool.

  • Keep the “S” key held down to quickly access zoom mode. Release the key to return to the previous tool.

  • If a selection or a shape guide is active, the zoom mode will scale the selection or shape guide.

Rotation Mode (R) 

  • Tap the “R” key to activate canvas rotation mode. Click the left mouse button and rotate in either direction. Tap the “R” key again to return to the previous tool.

  • Keep the “R” key held down to quickly access rotation mode. Release the key to return to the previous tool.

  • If a selection or a shape guide is active, the rotation mode will rotate the selection or shape guide.

Keyboard shortcuts

Gallery = ⌘ W 
Import = ⌘ I
Export = ⇧ ⌘ E
Settings = ⌘ ,

Undo = ⌘ Z
Redo =  ⇧ ⌘  Z
Cut = ⌘ X
Copy = ⌘ C
Paste = ⌘ V
Duplicate = ⌘ D

Pan Canvas = Space
Rotate Canvas = R
Zoom Canvas = S
Zoom In = =
Zoom Out = -
Zoom to Fit = ⌘ 9
Zoom to Selection = ⌘ 8
Home Position = Home 
Zoom to 100% = ⌘ 0
Rotate to 0 = ⌘ ⌥ 0
Toggle Color Wheel = ⌥ 6
Toggle Layers = ⌥ 7
Toggle Precision = ⌥ 8
Toggle Objects = ⌥ 9 

Brushes Menu = User defined 
Quick Clear = Q 
Increase Tool Opacity = ⇧ . or ⇧ ]
Decrease Tool Opacity = ⇧ , or ⇧ [
Increase Tool Smoothing = ⌥ . or ⌥ ]
Decrease Tool Smoothing = ⌥ , or ⌥ [
Increase Tool Size = . or ]
Decrease Tool Size = , or [ 
Tool Slot 1 = 1
Tool Slot 2 = 2
Tool Slot 3 = 3
Tool Slot 4 = 4
Tool Slot 5 = 5
Tool Slot 6 = 6
Tool Slot 7 = 7
Tool Slot 8 = 8 
Eraser = E 
Color Picker = P 

Select All = ⌘ A
Select Last = ⇧ ⌘ D 
Deselect = Esc 
Group Selection = ⌘ G
Ungroup Selection = ⇧ ⌘ G
Lock Selection = ⌘ L
Unlock Selection =  ⇧ ⌘ L
Delete = User defined
Select = A
Picker Mode = T 

Toggle Grid = G
Toggle Snap = N
Toggle Measure = M
Arc Guide = C
Line Guide = I 
Rectangle Guide = U
Ellipse Guide = O 
Angle Guide = V 

New Layer = L
Next Layer = ⌘ =
Previous Layer = ⌘ -
Layer Sorting Mode = User Defined

F1 = Help

You can edit all the shortcuts to your liking. Please let us know if you have feedback or suggestions!